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  • Writer's pictureJay Bower

Indie Horror for the Win

This past year I've continued reading horror from both traditionally published authors and indie authors. I love the many options available to modern readers because of the indie publishing revolution that we're currently in the midst of.

It's special having the opportunity to read voices I might not have had access to ten years ago. Technology has allowed authors from around the world to get their stories out there and we benefit from this democratization of the written word. Is it all good? No, nothing is perfect. There is still terrible writing out there, but by and large, it's a great time to be a reader.

There are two authors I want to share that I don't think get enough credit: Duncan Ralston and Pamela Morris.

I'll start with Pamela. I've known her for several years now and she's supported my writing and encouraged me to push on, to get better, and to be better. When I finally got around to reading Dark Hallow Road, I was absolutely blown away by her story. It's dark but has so much depth to it. Her skill in creating horror stories is something to enjoy. Go out there and check out her work. You'll be pleasantly surprised by this author.

Then there's Duncan. I started with his extreme horror novel

Woom and then read his novel The Method. I have a short st ory collection of his in my TBR list and will continue to work through his books. He's damn good! engaging person. I've had several chats with him via Twitter and have found him to be personable and easy to connect with. I cannot recommend his work enough.

Who are authors you've enjoyed that I need to try? I'm open to all kinds of horror from the subtle to the over-the-top gory stuff. I think there's a place for it all and I like to expand my reading to include it all. Comment or contact me so we can share these under-read authors who's voice needs to be heard.

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